Complete construction/project management (when implementing a project with different contractors):
Liepyno Business Centre – address Liepyno str. 25A, Vilnius, area of building approx. 1500m2, year 2017-2018, project value approx. 2 million euros;
Hotel SPA NIDA – address Taikos str. 18, Nida, area of building approx. 2400m2, year 2018-2020, project value approx. 5 million euros;
Apartment building design management – Lvovo str. 79, Vilnius, area of building approx. 7000m2, year 2019, project value approx. 7 million euros;
Construction management/FIDIC services
(when implementing a project with a general contractor):
Hollister Lietuva medical equipment manufacturing plant design and construction – Kaunas FEZ, area of building approx. 26000m2, year 2017-2019, project value approx. 25 million euros;
Hollister Lietuva medical equipment manufacturing plant development – installation of indivisible cleanrooms for the production of catheters with an area of 2250 m2 and complying with cleanroom class ISO 8 according to the standard ISO 14644, year 2019-2020, project value approx. 6 million euros;
Hollister Lietuva medical equipment manufacturing plant development – preparation of a landscape project for the entire territory (about 1ha), installation of jogging/walking paths (about 1km), parking lot extension (about 4000m2), year 2020-ongoing, project value approx. 1 million euros;
Liepyno Business Centre – address Liepyno str. 25A, Vilnius, area of building approx. 1500m2, year 2017-2018, project value approx. 2 million euros;
Hotel SPA NIDA – address Taikos str. 18, Nida, area of building approx. 2400m2, year 2018-2020, project value approx. 5 million euros;
Hollister Lietuva medical equipment manufacturing plant parking lot expansion – Kaunas FEZ, expansion area approx. 4000m2, year 2020-ongoing, project value approx. 1 million euros;
Westhub Logistics Centre – Brazdžionio str. 29, Kaunas, area of building approx. 20000m2, year 2020-ongoing, project value approx. 9 million euros;
Kaunas Ice Rink – Kaunas, Kovo 11-osios str. 26, area of building approx. 7500m2, year 2020-ongoing, project value approx. 11 million euros;